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Monday, October 26, 2009


Right now I am deep in thought about my future. I feel like there are so many possibilities out there and I don't want to miss any of them. Ok so I have always kind of had grad school in the back of my head. I feel that when it comes to theatre there is so much more I can learn. And I really want to learn how to TEACH theatre.
Ok so this weekend I had another idea put into my head. What if I get my teaching certificate ASAP? It typically takes 2 years... but there is a fast track program in PA.
So now I feel like my head is in a pickle. I want to teach high school. I don't NEED a masters. BUT if I have a masters I would be more qualified and get paid more. Should I get the teaching certificate NOW... or after my masters?


AND I never want to stop acting. I want the freedom to act at night or in the summers or on weekends.

it's really very simple.... I want the world I want the WHOLE world!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

thoughts in fall

I really do adore fall. I think it reminds me of all the falls my family spent at Garity's Prairie Gardens, the football games, the leaf jumping, the walks down at the lake when it was a little to cold to wear a fall coat yet you wore one anyways, the pumpkins on the front steps, the crunchy leaves walking to school, and the bike rides. Fall makes me miss my family, and always makes me long to be outside.

This week I have been thinking a lot about kids. Kids I know, my future kids. Just kids in general. I watch the news almost everyday here and I am shocked by how run of the mill a murder story is. When Tammy Haas was killed in Yankton it was never NOT in conversation, it was never NOT in the news it was never forgotten or blown over. It was a huge deal. My town had never seen murder, and has seen it maybe 3 times since then, which was the mid 90's. I was raised in a town where if someone was diagnosed with cancer the whole town... all 13,000 came out in MASS to make dinners, bake cookies, pray. Anything and everything. The reason I am thinking about kids is because I don't want to raise kids here. I don't want them to hear that 2 teens were shot in the early morning and that's it..... like this happens all the time so NO BIGGIE. I can't handle that. I can't. I can live here and thrive here, but I am not bringing children into this world. It is so hard to think about. I know that me having kids is DOOOOOWN the road... but I figure the more thought and loving energy I put into it now... the better it will be when the time comes.

Just to once again remind you all of what I dork I am... I am in love with the RealSimple Magazine... dear lord. So good. I mean like did you know that there are like 20 different uses for CD's... put in under a candle to catch the wax, scrape a window... I mean... come on!!! So anyways... there was an article that a woman wrote and at the end she said to put her to sleep at night she goes over things she is thankful for. It puts you to sleep in a good mood and it is a good thing to remember. I have always been a fan of the thankful list. Mike and I used to email each other 5 things we were thankful for everyday. So I will adopt that for here... I will end with 5 things I am thankful for.

1. The mere idea of pumpkin pie, and apple pie make me thankful
2. kitty claw trimmers... her little claws are like razor blades if we let them grow to long
3. stocking hats... homemade
4. a solid 86% in math
5. love. love that calms you down with a simple touch.

xo E

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


In the process of moving I have misplaced 3 necklaces that mean a lot to me. Grrrrr I hate this feeling. I am sending good vibes into the universe and praying to the saint of lost things... although I do not know who that is. So please, good vibes and positive karma for Ellie finding her treasures.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cat Mom

I am a kitty mom, and I am having some problems. I know she is a kitten but I can only take so much hand attacking. And I heard her sneeze twice today.... ug. I really hope she is not sick... I switched her litter to Feline Pine (great btw). I just don't want her sick, and I want Kory to be able to come live here ASAP... I feel bad for the little guy all by himself.

I wish there was a what to expect when you are expecting book for cats.

Everything is painted... the apartment looks awesome. Just get the rest of Mike in here and we can have a get together.

And if ANYONE knows of creative organization techniques let me know... little space, lots of stuff... gotta get creative!

Friday, October 9, 2009

It's all love all love my stupid love

It has been soooo freaking long since I got to update....mostly because of the move. I am 99% moved in and let's just say Mike is working on it. Moving is hard! So much to think about... So much to do... So many people to talk to. Wow. I really have no clue how I am doing it all.... Wait I do... A great support system. I feel like I am drowning sometimes.... No air no help... It gets too much at times no joke. But I have Mike who I have lovingly dubbed my zen master... He talks me off of ledges. I have my mom who is always the voice of reason... And now I have a kitten who is so damn adorable I can't even handle it. I learned a valuable lesson junior year of college... Sleep. The closer to 8 hours you can get the healthier you will be.... Sleep is a biiiiig friend. I guess I am also trying to look forward to small things like couches wireless Internet cookies it's the small things really. But I can tell you this our walls are amazing! Seriously white walls suuuuuck! Mike and I have gotten to be a pretty good painting team. I looooooove the
Living room... Lucky bamboo.... Awwwwwesome!

Ok some random tidbits:
I am always craving sushi
I am having serious haloween costume issues
I want to drink wine on a daily basis
Lady Macbeth gives me a headache
I have rediscovered the slow cooker

It's all love my friends. God provides.... Keep swimming!