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Monday, October 26, 2009


Right now I am deep in thought about my future. I feel like there are so many possibilities out there and I don't want to miss any of them. Ok so I have always kind of had grad school in the back of my head. I feel that when it comes to theatre there is so much more I can learn. And I really want to learn how to TEACH theatre.
Ok so this weekend I had another idea put into my head. What if I get my teaching certificate ASAP? It typically takes 2 years... but there is a fast track program in PA.
So now I feel like my head is in a pickle. I want to teach high school. I don't NEED a masters. BUT if I have a masters I would be more qualified and get paid more. Should I get the teaching certificate NOW... or after my masters?


AND I never want to stop acting. I want the freedom to act at night or in the summers or on weekends.

it's really very simple.... I want the world I want the WHOLE world!

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