-Richard III was a huge hit and a joy to be in
-I chopped my hair off, it was traumatic and the girl who did it must have picked up scissors for the FIRST time that day.... I found a different stylist at SASS SALON in Mechanicsburg (Lauren, love her) and she has fixed me and I fell in love with her.
-Christmas was great! Mike and I's first Christmas together, it was sweet. Christmas eve Dakota inhaled cat nip and hacked like a 65 year old smoker for DAYS. We learned that some cats can't handle cat nip... good to know our cat is one of them.
-New Years events were insane once again, MAN I am I glad I will never have to do that again.
-Went to SD for my January break. Went to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, did I mention that this dentist was a close friend from HS.... awkward. Anywho not ONLY did I have a cavity but she said I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out ASAP. that meant the next day. So that day I had a cavity filled, and the next day I had three wisdom teeth removed. I only had three, I am an evolved human. Spent the rest of my break on the couch and snowed in my 3 feet of snow. Thank goodness for my mom.
-Came back to HBG to kick off Snow White
-I was not in The Complete Works of William Shakespeare so I could spend time focusing on Snow.
-February-day after yesterday: life consumed with Snow White. Some things happened in between there.... like, Mike and I decided to move to Minneapolis Minnesota in August, Dakota got diagnosed with bladder crystals which makes her pee wherever she darn well pleases, Went to New Hampshire for Easter, Drove in Mid Town NYC and survived, Saw Carolyn for the first time in YEARS, She is getting married, My friend Katie is pregnant, Planned a trip to MPLS for July which will include a stop over in Illinois to see my girls.
so that leads us to today, I am trying to catch up on laundry and sleep while looking for jobs in MPLS online, dreaming of getting a dog and a condo, and feeling truly blessed. As I get older I am finding it easier and easier to recognize the negative in my life and cut it out. I am finding it easier to concentrate on the people who enrich my life and ignore those who don't, and I am finding it critical to surround myself with positive forces.
Hopefully I will update this thing sooner than five months from now..... fingers crossed.
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