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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I feel like I finally have TIME again. It is an odd feeling, but so wonderful!
Melissa and I are doing workshop with CASA (capitol area school for the arts) students this month and it has been great just sitting back and talking with these high schoolers. They make me think about my career and my path and they make me realize how different all of our paths are. Today I heard one of my favorite quotes again, We all have our own definition of success. I feel like finally I am able to sit back and see how MY definition has changed in the past 2 years. It has changed completely. But I think it has changed into something that I have finally chosen. I realized this morning that this move to MPLS is the first move I have CHOSEN to make. The first move I have decided on. It is a crazy feeling. It is scary as well, going into a new city without a job, but I am so confident that this is the right decision. We all have different paths and it is not up to us to judge, it is up to us to support. Support those who are doing what their heart wants and support those who are following THEIR definition of success.

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