2 things in my life this week. Death and Taxes. AWESOME. I got a peach slip in my mailbox saying I missed the delivery of a certified letter that I HAVE to sign for from CTCB. What or WHO is CTCB? Well thank you google. CTCB is Capitol Tax Collection Bureau. AWESOME! Soooo I paid my taxes, no worries, but when I comes to PA local, state taxes... I suck! I paid the state one... like $140.00. But there are these local ones that I guess you needed to search out and then give money to? Like a school tax? Well I paid a 2008 school tax, the FULL amount when I wasn't even here 6 months. Then like 3 months after paying the 2008, the 2009 came, well then it came again, yeeeeeeeah didn't pay it. I THOUGHT I did like a few months ago, but some research shows I did not. AWESOME. So I am sure they are OUT TO GET ME and make me fork over like $200.00. I AM POOR! Gah. It's just that anything to do with taxes, especially with these new tax commercials... saying WE WILL GET YOU NON TAX PAYERS... I get scared. Who can comfort me? Mike is telling me they can't arrest me.... yet. wow, thanks babe. So tomorrow I will pick up this stupid letter and then figure it out. I may have to sell a kidney. Is anyone in the market for a kidney? Or does anyone know of a fund for mindless, penniless actors who forgot to pay a school tax (which PS is stupid... the HBG school system SUCKS! and I got INTO these stupid schools and perform for these stupid kids, how are they going to benefit from my $200.00?!)
ok enough venting. I know I have to pay it. Death and taxes. Thank you God.
May sucks.
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